Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

How to: Hurt a Sociopath (part two)

I find it interesting that based off of my trusty little google analytics, my most popular post is How to: Hurt a Sociopath.

I guess a lot of you empaths out there really want to know what you can do to retaliate. I can;t say I blame you. I have musings of that myself, even with a Socio in my life that I love with all my heart and would lay my life down for.

Yeah, I know, I'm pretty screwed up in the head.

I get it. Truly. You have been humiliated, manipulated and lied to. You gave yourself completely and got a fake in return. And now you want to make your S suffer.

Here's what I know from my experience with my darling S:

1. They get angry when you hurt the people they actually care about. Maybe a mother, father, sister, ex girlfriend. There is someone in their lives that they actually do care about. You can usually figure this out because they will try to protect those people from who they are and protect them from you.
2. They hate (and I do mean HATE) confrontation, also known as DRAMA.If you create it, they will get pissed off and probably run further away from you. But, it will piss them off.
3. They don't want to get caught. If your S is doing something illegal, the easiest way for you to get revenge is to turn them in. Sleeping with prostitutes? Call the police, give them evidence. Stealing money from their company? Call the police, the boss, etc etc.

*Something to note with #3, make sure that you really want to go this route because there is no turning back. You will hurt many people in this process and if your S gets slammed with jail time or prison time, you will have to live with the fact that you did it to them. And unlike our lovely S's, we feel guilty about things and they tend to eat us alive.

So there you have it. Some awesome ideas. Use them wisely or not at all. Remember as I mentioned before, your S will probably hurt you more in the long run even if you successfully implement any of these tactics.

Much love to you E's. Keep your head up and choose to either love your S or leave your S.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sociopaths: Why We Love to Hate Them

Empaths are notorious for wanting to blame circumstances in their loves on someone else, and while we're at it, so are Sociopaths, but for different reasons.

E's are hyper sensitive, emotional, co-dependent, whiny individuals who like to not only dump their trash (ie: emotions) onto other people. It makes them feel better to have someone to share their pain with.

This is why it is so easy for so many Empath's to blame everything on a Socio. Heck, a lot of E's start saying their ex was a Socio without there ever being real evidence of that or even a hint of a diagnosis. It's become a popular trendy term for Empaths to use to try and make themselves look less stupid for getting hurt.

Socio's become the dumping ground for your failures as a person. And every E is looking for a scapegoat so they don't have to take responsibility for their failures or their life in general.

Settle down, E's, stop getting your feelings hurt, I'm actually going somewhere with this.

It's easier to blame your issues and problems on another person. Especially an S. We all know that they are selfish and uncaring. Your S probably used you to get money, a job, a place to live, access to a higher social status, and on and on. They are predators. You were prey.


Maybe, just maybe you have some issues of your own that were the cause of you allowing your S to take advantage of you.

Most E's lack in self worth. They think they are ugly, stupid and they KNOW they are emotionally a lot to handle. So when you find a lovely S who tells you everything you ever wanted to ear and puts your fears to rest, it becomes like a drug. You want to hold onto this feeling forever, so you do whatever it takes to keep them. You mortgage your house, you co-sign on a lease, you buy them a car, you support them. All because you don;t want to be alone.

So, it's fine. Blame your Socio a little. But before you go down the victim path too far, figure out why it is that YOU have the problems you have. Deal with them.

Blaming your S will not help you.It will make you look foolish for not letting it go. And let's face it, if they've left you, they don't give a damn about what you think about them anyway.

Move on. Figure out what YOU need to do and stop trying to change your S. Either appreciate them exactly for who they are or walk the hell away and fix yourself.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Can an Empath be just as bad as a Socio?

Two words: Hell YES.

Here's the thing. I am a tried and true, overly emotional empath. When I get pissed...I get pissed. Especially if I am dealing with someone who has hurt a family member or close friend (or my S). I will literally want to rip your head off and I would feel fully justified in doing so because the other person would be the monster.

Sounds pretty bad right?

Tell me, how is this any different than the malicious acts we accuse Socios of doing?

Don;t get me wrong, I am not in any way condoning murder, rape, etc etc etc. Let's not get Socio's mixed up with Psycho's or any other form of personality disorder. I am talking about harmless, everyday, run of the mill Socio's who enjoy manipulating and conning people who are stupid enough to be conned.

E's lie just as much as an S. We just aren't as good at it. We hide things just as much, but we usually get caught or tell on ourselves. We harm others in the same way, we just find a way to blame our actions on someone else.

Maybe we aren't that much unlike after all. We just feel guiltier and have that pesky remorse to deal with.